Well, my days in Chile are numbered- I'll be flying home on Monday, October 31st (and yes, Chileans do celebrate Halloween, so I'm hoping for some candy on the plane ride home). The last few days have been crazy busy since I've been scrambling to collect last-minute data, steadily writing up my thesis proposal which I'm defending a week after I get back to Tufts, and cleaning/packing/organizing for the trip home. This means I'll have to wait till next week to write about the endocrinology of parental care, so for this post I'll just be uploading a bunch of photos from my Chilean field season, enjoy!
Cueca dancers, the "cueca" is the traditional Chilean dance. |
Me in front of the Moneda (the president's house). Plus a stray dog, which are everywhere in Santiago. |
Hiking in the Andes. |
Black-billed shrike-tyrant |
Parque Nacional La Campana |
Pablo Neruda, Chile's famous poet and humanitarian. |
Chilean swallow. |
Magellanic horned owl |
Street art in Valparaiso |
Enormous male sea lion in Valparaiso (it smelled bad, too) |
More cool street art, Valparaiso. |
I've witnessed the sun rise pretty much everyday for the past two months. |
And some days it's foggy and cold. |
View from my apartment balcony after a student demonstration. |
I caught an iguana with a TV antenna and some string a few days ago. |
What a cutie! |
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